This month, from Gen / Your Fitness-and-Wellness Coach: SUMMER

Posted on Thu August 22, 2024.

SUMMER IS ON THE WAY… and after the cold of Winter, and the joy of delicious warm foods and red wines.... it’s time for my fitness and nutrition tips for this month. Hopefully to encourage us to all make wiser and better choices....

FITNESS... So as we prepare for Ride The Erongos which, as you know, is geared towards the more social-rider, a extra kilo or two can make quite a big difference when wanting to ride a climb …and this is not just about the weight, but about how you feel overall… one doesn’t even have to lose weight, but gain some muscle mass which is healthier and more sustainable in the long run.

TIP 1: challenge yourself to get up 30 minutes earlier, go for an early morning walk or run, take the family with before school, or go with a buddy, or just by yourself - there is something so beautiful about getting up early and seeing that sun rise… it’s good for the mind and soul , and will do wonders for your mood too!

Another little bit of advice… don’t underestimate the power of 10 minutes of exercise.. 

Even a 10 minute walk outside can make a huge difference… we sometimes think, why should I even go for a lousy little walk, or why should I do these few lunges/ sit ups / push ups.. well, trust you me, it just boosts energy levels, creates happy hormones, and boosts the metabolism.

TIP 2; as the sun is setting a little later, one can now sneak in a early evening ride... even if you have had a crazy crazy day, just get on your bike and head out for a nice 60 minute spin, maybe in your neighbourhood, or head to the trails...this will also help with shedding that extra kilo or two without even thinking… 

TIP 3: PLAN AHEAD, if the kids have sport, or if you have a day full of meetings, plan your rides the week before... and the night before pack your bag, prepare your bottles, make sure the bike is sorted and the chain is lubed and the tires are pumped and have sealant… 

 Also this will help prepare your mind...

When we fail to prepare, we suffer the consequences...  


 NUTRITION: so again, this is all about preparation, and consistency… creating a good healthy balance and some routine. With summer picking up, the appetite should naturally decrease a notch...   so one needs to look at upping the fluid intake... especially during training... drink lots of water and stay hydrated...

I find that in Summer time, I lose quite a lot of sodium from all the sweating, so consider upping your magnesium supplements, and also sodium..  

So here is my TIP 1:

Slow Mag and Electro Boost/ Rehydrate/ Drip Drop all great products, especially after a sweaty workout.

TIP 2: look at eating lighter meals in the evening, and avoid late night snacking... we as a family try eat at about 6pm and we try have a balanced healthy meal, with some grilled fish or chicken, or a lekker piece of game fillet...with a big green salad ,( broccoli and baby spinach) and if we have a big ride the next day, we will add some good clean carbs, like potatoes, sushi rice or sweet potatoes and butternut... 

And, of course, sometimes we will also have a nice glass of wine with our dinner…because its all about balance… 

TIP 3: Try to avoid deep fried foods... and all the extras... if you really enjoy fried foods, try limit that to once a week , and also try and avoid sugary drinks in the week. If you have some intense hard sessions, then sugar is welcome for that session, but within moderation and keeping the carb count to what your body requires..  


So now lets head off to some TRAINING AND SKILLS: 

 I still haven’t managed to get the lodge again for our little video clips and pics, but what I can assure you of, is that one will need to learn and look at how to ride through sand... there is nothing worse when there is a rider in front of you and they brake in the sand and next thing you know, you’re all building sand castles 😂 ... 

TIP 1: don’t brake in the sand, keep looking ahead, change the gears so you not in a super heavy gear, keep looking ahead and keep peddling... try and not have a death grip on the handlebars…

TIP 2: in the week for the evening ride … maybe head to your local trails and find a section that you can do a few repeats on.. preferably a little climb that has some rocky elements, and where you can head back down again…

Anything from a 1 min to 5-7min climb… 

The focus is to challenge yourself to ride the rocky terrain going up…  when riding the climb, try and focus again on where you are looking … and not having the fingers on the brakes as your climb… 

Gearing, play with the gears, try one climb where you are at low gear, low cadence, like 50-60rpm.. 

Then the next effort, try at a higher cadence… 

TIP 3: descending… our favourite … nothing better than knowing that after a climb, comes the fun part… 

But in order to enjoy the fun part, your need to practice your skills, so one can feel confident when descending… 

Please remember: no locked out/ straight arms… you are looking for trouble… have a slight bend in the elbow, and your bum slightly behind the saddle, pushing your heels down slightly… AND LOOK AHEAD… where you look, there your go… 


On that note… 

For our positive and wise quote for the month… something to think about, chew on, keep a sticky note as a reminder…

GRATITUDE…stop for a moment and focus on the good. There is so much to be grateful for… one just needs to train yourself to see those gifts every day… 


About Genevieve Weber: Among her many other achievements, Gen is a previous MTB Age Group World and African Champ, a busy Mom to two  teenagers, and an accredited Coach with Training Peaks. She offers private skills and coaching lessons, and designs programs tailormade to her clients’ requirements. She can be contacted directly on:

Further Reading

This month, from Gen / Your Fitness-and-Wellness Coach: Where you Look


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